
Directors of Longford Westmeath Community Transport:

Tom Farrell, Chairperson

Kathleen Grennan, Secretary

Mae Sexton

Sean Hannon

Sean Farrell

Patrick McGleenan

Bernie McHugh

Ben Lynn

Maura Sheridan

Charles Harrison

Rita Smyth

Hugh Farrell

Aine McFadden

Michael Carrigy


Board of LWCT
Directors and Staff of Longford Westmeath Community Transport Ltd Back row from left to right; Sean Hannon, Rita Smyth, Patrick McGleenan, Bernie McHugh, Áine McFadden, Hugh Farrell, Magdalen Dunne, Tom Farrell, Michael Carrigy
Seated Front row; Ben Lynn, Kathleen Grennan, Maura Sheridan, Noel McCormack, Sean Farrell, Chrissy Casey (missing from photo; Patrick Moran, Charles Harrison, Joe Flanagan, Mae Sexton)

We the Directors are committed to the following Principles of Good Governance;
1.Leading our organisation.
2.Exercising control over our organisation.
3.Being transparent and accountable.
4.Working effectively.
5.Behaving with integrity.