What is TFI Local Link?
TFI Local Link provides safe secure and reliable Public Transport services in local and rural areas of Ireland. There are 15 TFI Local Link offices. Click here for a list of all TFI Local Link offices.

How can I contact my TFI Local Link?
Visit our Contact Page for more information

How can I find out about TFI Local Link services in my area?
There are 2 ways in which to find out about TFI Local Link services in your area.

  • The details of all TFI Local Link services are available on the National Journey Planner.
  • It is however advisable to contact your closest TFI Local Link office as many services require pre-booking, particularly where door to door services are available.
  • The timetables for all TFI Local Link Longford Westmeath Roscommon services can be found on the timetable tab above.

Will my Free Travel Pass be accepted on TFI Local Link Services?
Yes – Free Travel Passes are accepted on all TFI Local Link Services

What is the fare to use a TFI Local Link Service?
Fares are payable on TFI Local Link services.  We accept the TFI Go App, Leap Card, and cash only. For fare structures, please contact your closest TFI Local Link Office.